Video Shoot!

We had a great time filming our first video with Edus Herdezoje! The new music video will be out at the beginning of August....stayed tuned!

Louisville Waldorf School

We always love performing for Kentucky students, and we fell in love with this little school in Louisville, tucked into a pocket of trees and filled with art, music, and conscious children and teachers! We danced, sang, and heard a…

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What My Mom Taught Me About Making A CD

So, my mother didn't know anything about making albums per se, but something she DID teach me helped me get through a recent challenge we encountered while making the latest Zoe Speaks CD. See, we found out a few…

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Redwood Cooperative School

We enjoyed the opportunity to play for and with Redwood Cooperative School in Lexington! We were joined by Appalatin's bassist, José Oreta. It was a wonderful day at a wonderful school, full of awake minds and engaged hearts.

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We are nearing the release of our new CD--the recording is almost done and we are prepping our crowdfunding campaign and planning our PR strategies! This is the place to come for more news about it all!

Niles Gallery at UK

We had a blast playing at the John Jacob Niles Center at the University of Kentucky, Carla's alma mater. The panels decorating the room were carved by KY music historian Niles himself!

Studio Time!

We are having a blast in the studio at Morehead State University, working on our new project "Wings"! More soon about this new music, but meanwhile here are some shots from the studio...

And our lovely backup singer, Zoey!

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New Video!

We had fun working with Kentucky video artist Nathan Paul Isaac, recording an old song and a couple of new ones from the upcoming album. We'll be posting them soon here!

Alabama Fun!

Here are a few pictures from our recent show in Alabama. Birmingham sure did make us feel welcome! We were very proud to sing with our daughters, Maizie and Zoey!

Cornbread & Tortillas Fest!

We had an amazing time performing with Appalatin at the multicultural Cornbread & Tortillas Festival in Lexington, KY! Other performers included Jeri Katherine Howell, Jorge Luis Ruiz, and el grupo del baile folclórico de la casa de la cultura hispana.

Zoe Speaks signs with Kosson Talent!

We have exciting news to share! When we decided last fall to begin performing again as Zoe Speaks, we knew we were excited, and we knew we had a special musical synergy that we were happy to be exploring again…

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