Finally Live Shows!

We are excited to be playing a looooong way from home. We're all vaccinated and the venues will be taking precautions, too, so mask up and come see us away up north!




Just like all of you, in this time where our world is eerily suspended by a virus that all of humanity is fighting, we are trying to figure out the best use of our time and energy to help…

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Live video out now!

We made this video with Charles Steene at the FARM Folk Conference in Grand Rapids, Michigan!

Congrats & Woo-Hoo!

We're happy to announce that our friend, Dale Ann Bradley, just recorded one of our songs, "Me & The Redbird River", which will be released in January of 2019. And we're beyond stoked that her band, Sister Sadie, was just…

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Good Time in Sunny Florida!

The band had a fruitful trip to Orlando, Florida this past fall, showcasing for presenters from all over the world, hearing amazing and soulful Americana music, and hanging out with the Local Honeys! #bigfun


Our new video!

We are proud to feature the students from the Kentucky Center Governor's School for the Arts in our first music video, for the song "Wings of a Dove"! Please let us know what you think, and share it with…

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Zoe Speaks Chosen for Prestigious Program!

We are thrilled to announce that Zoe Speaks was just selected by South Arts to participate in its Performing Arts Discovery Program, for which we'll be traveling to Florida this fall to perform for international presenters from venues in Australia…

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